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Answers about Explorers and Expeditions

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작성자 Augusta 댓글 0건 조회 16회 작성일 24-09-13 15:06


Spain was not the only European nation that found Florida attractive. In 1562 the French protestant Jean Ribault explored the area. Two years later, fellow Fren
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Explorers and Expeditions

How does sextant help navigators?

Asked by Wiki User

A sextant helps navigators determine their position by measuring the angle between a celestial object, such as the sun or a star, and the horizon. By comparing
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Explorers and Expeditions

Who are the brothers and sisters of Juan Luna?

Asked by Wiki User

Juan Luna's siblings were Antonio Luna, Joaquin Luna de San Pedro, Manuel Luna, Asylum Seekers Jose Luna, and Numeriano Luna.


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